11 Things Only People Who Love Popcorn Will Understand
1. You Keep Floss Handy all the Time
Hey, those hulls are skinny and get stuck in your teeth easily.
2. You Search for the Old Maids at the Bottom of the Bowl
3. Sometimes you don't eat popcorn because you're afraid if you start, you won’t be able to stop
4. You go to the Movie Theater Just to Eat the Popcorn
5. You know Butter and Salt are Just Starting Points
6. You Have Multiple Popcorn Poppers in your Kitchen
7. You Eat all the Yellow Pieces First
8. You Get Excited when You go to the Hardware Store or Brewery
9. You Know there are Multiple Varieties of Popcorn and You have a Few Different Kinds in Your Pantry
10. You Sometimes Eat a Whole Bag of Popcorn By Yourself and Then Hide the Evidence
11. It's a Personal Feat When Most of the Kernels Pop
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