8 Ideas for Your End of School Year Classroom Party
The Michigan weather is finally bringing some sunshine, and students and teachers alike are getting antsy for summer break. Final tests and projects are being wrapped up and end of year school parties are being planned. If you’re a parent, teacher, or classroom aide in charge of bringing some planned fun into the final days of the school year, here’s 8 party ideas to consider:
Photo Booth
Have the school year memories last a lifetime with an in-class photo booth. This set-up doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. By simply having a plain background available and either a tripod or selfie-stick for photos, a minimalistic photo booth is ready in seconds. Add some creative fun for kids by supplying a few dollar store wigs, hats, mustaches, and/or other silly additions for taking pictures with classmates and friends.
Summer Bucket List
Get kids brainstorming how they will spend their summer months away from school. (Help narrow down the options with guided summer bucket lists.) Adding categories like “I plan to read book by author this summer” or “I will practice activity this summer.” Filling in blanks with goal setting is a great way to keep kids learning and motivated even in vacation mode.
Notes to Future Students
A whole year of knowledge and wisdom gained by one grade can be useful to the younger incoming class for next year. It’s fun to share your legacy with future students and reflect on a full year completed. Have students complete their own sheet of memories and guidance or create a collective classroom letter!
Time Capsule
Writing letters to future students is fun, but writing letters to your future self may be even more special. A great idea for K-12 schools, teachers can deliver these messages for high school graduation or another momentous time for students. Create individual time capsules or share a class capsule to visit later on. Everyone can participate and make the memories last a lifetime!
Popcorn Social
Every party needs a snack. One fun one kids love is popcorn. Ice cream and popsicles are refreshing treats for the hot final days of the school year, but they make a sticky mess to clean up after (especially with younger grades). Rent a popcorn machine (contact us for rental units) for popping fun in class or make your own popcorn bar for kids to choose from an assortment of flavors.
Tic Tac Toe (Frisbee/Beanbag Toss)
For a fun activity (indoors or out) try setting up a large tic tac toe area with chalk or tape. Have kids go head to head in individual games or set up teams for the classroom. The fun for this game comes from getting three in a row with either a bean bag or frisbee toss!
End Of Year Bingo
Another activity for a school year end party can be in-classroom bingo. This doesn’t have to be traditional by any means. Come up with some fun ways for students to build their own boards. A great alternative activity if it’s raining on the day of the end of year party. The Playdough to Plato blog offers a free End of Year Bingo sheet for download (for ages 5-8).
Party Favors
Don’t let the kids leave for the year without a take home treat or party favor. Fun take home packages of chalk, jump rope, bubble makers, etc. are all inexpensive and cute. Individual treats are of course a must for the last day of school, crispy marshmallow squares, cookies, and popcorn can all be easily individually wrapped or bagged for party favors. No time to bag yourself? Order two weeks ahead of time you can get 20 1-8 ounce individual bags of popcorn starting at just $20.
It takes a lot of effort and time to plan for classroom events whether you’re a teacher, parent, PTO member, or classroom aide, so it doesn’t hurt to have some help. Hopefully these activity and food ideas for an end of year classroom party help jumpstart your creative side!
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