Grand Rapids Popcorn Employee Feature: Laura
Our customers are the best and we love them. We also know that outstanding employees are what keep our customers happy. Our team works long hours to make our quality concessions and in-store products. GRPC started out family owned and it remains that way today. Not all of our employees are technically family but it sure feels like it. We want to highlight an employee that has been with us for a long time.
If you have ever been into our shop you have probably been greeted by this smiling face. Say hello to Laura. She has been working at Grand Rapids Popcorn Company since 2010 but has been enjoying GRPC products much longer.
Before working for us Laura's fav was Caramel Corn (which is the best). After she started working for us and sampling our many flavors now her favorite is Kettle Corn. She loves that it is light, crisp, clean, not overly sugary with just the right touch of salt. When Laura is not helping our customers her favorite thing to do is being a grandma to her 3 beautiful grandchildren.
Kettle Corn is Laura's favorite popcorn and so is this time of year. Fall has such beautiful colors and fresh crisp air. GRPC also has some fall favorites out right now. Our delicious Caramel Apples (made in house of course), Caramel Apple Crunch and Pumpkin Spice Popcorn.
Fall is a beautiful time for weddings. Laura can help you with planning wedding favors or setting up a popcorn bar.
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